
How to sell more - 25 strategies

Selling more is the slogan of every entrepreneur, entrepreneur or seller, especially when the sales of your new business or product do not have when to take off, or their sales decrease from moment to moment, are stagnant for a long time, or are simply not As expected.

How to sell more

To sell more there are various sales strategies that we can apply, ranging from those that need a good investment such as advertising on television, to those that need a minimum such as improving customer service; And whose choice depends not only on the investment required but also on other factors such as the type of business, the target public, competition and circumstances.

The following is a list of the 25 top sales strategies that exist, and that will help you choose the strategy or strategies indicated to sell more:

1. Improve the product

Improving the product, such as, by procuring higher quality inputs or a more attractive design, making it more durable or more efficient, or adding new characteristics, attributes, functions or utilities, allows us to make it more attractive to consumers, thus increasing the possibilities That they buy it.

2. Make changes to the product

Making changes or changes to the product, such as, in the design, presentation, packaging, label, colors or logo, even if they are small, allows us to give a new air, and even create the Launching sensation a new product on the market.

3. Launch new products to market

Launch new products to the market, whether they are complementary products to the one we are selling (eg, wallets if we sell clothing), or belonging to another sector (eg appliances if we sell furniture), allows us to give our Public more alternatives to choose, but also capture new types of public.

4. Increase product variety

Increasing the variety of the product we sell, such as, in models, sizes or colors, allows us to give our public more alternatives to choose, and thus increase the chances that they find the product they are looking for or that they like.

5. Improve customer service

With increasingly demanding consumers, improving customer care, such as, by being kinder or more attentive to them, by providing them with a more pleasant environment, by providing more comfort or by giving them a more personalized treatment, is an effective strategy to increase sales , Usually does not imply higher costs.

6. Respond more quickly

Attending the customer faster, either when answering your queries, taking your orders, delivering your product or providing your service, allows us to serve more customers in less time, but also give the customer better care, and thus have More chances of us returning.

7. Provide more services

Providing more services to the product, such as delivery of the product at home, installation of the product, or technical or maintenance service, which are preferably free, allows us to give this one a greater value to consumers, and thus increase the Chance of being bought.

8. Offer differentiation

Due to the great competition that exists today in all sectors, to offer a differentiation, such as, a characteristic in our product that is hardly imitable by the competition or an excellent customer service that is not given elsewhere, is One of the most effective strategies to increase sales.

9. Reduce the target market

Reducing the target market (such as, if we made up our target market of students, reducing it might mean only targeting business management students), it allows us to specialize in a more specific type of consumer, to better understand their needs, tastes and Preferences, and design a product that best satisfies them.

10. Reduce prices

Reducing prices is a strategy commonly used to increase sales, but it has the disadvantage that its application, as well as a reduction in the profit margin per product, could also mean a reduction in the product quality (in our attempt to Reduce costs), so it is advisable to use it only when the quality of our product is not compromised.

11. Increase prices

Before reducing prices, to sell more, sometimes the solution could be to increase them, which as well as allowing us a higher margin of profit per product, allows us to give this one a sense of quality, status or prestige, and thus attract the Consumers looking for these characteristics.

12. Increase advertising

Increasing advertising, either by using the same advertising medium more often (such as, handing out more brochures or flyers), or by using new advertising channels (such as, in addition to advertising in the print media, advertise on the Internet as well) is another effective strategy Which allows us to make our product more known, as well as persuade more consumers to buy or use it.

13. Improve advertising

In order to sell more, it is sometimes not a matter of making more publicity, but of making better publicity, such as, by changing the advertising message to one that better highlights the main characteristics of our product or why consumers should choose it before The products of the competition, or changing the advertising media used by others that are more used by our target audience or more accessible to it.

14. Increase sales outlets

Increase the points of sale, either by using more of the same type of point of sale (eg by opening more stores or stores), or by using new types of points of sale (such as, in addition to selling on our own premises sell Also through intermediaries or on the Internet), allows us to increase the availability and exposure of our products, and thus the possibility that they reach a greater number of consumers.

15. Increase the number of sellers

Increasing the number of sellers allows us to have more salespeople contacting, persuading and assisting customers, and thus more possibilities to sell our product.

16. Improve the facade of the premises

Improving the façade of the premises or establishing our business, such as, by putting more decorative elements such as signs, lights or plants, seeking better lighting, or differentiating it from other facades of the competition, allows us to have a more striking or attractive façade For consumers who pass through the area, and thus more likely to enter our premises.

17. Create a web page

Due to the wide reach that the Internet has today, creating a website for our company or business not only allows us to have another point of sale through which to sell our products, but also the reaching possibility of a large number of consumers.

18. Participate in social networks

Due to the wide reach of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, actively participating in these is an effective sales strategy, especially if we made up our target audience of a young audience.

19. Participate in fairs

Participating in fairs, both local and international, is also an effective strategy, especially when our goal is to publicize our product and get customers with whom we can keep up a long-term relationship, or get customers abroad.

20. Using sales promotions

The use of sales promotions such as offers of two products for the price of one, quantity discounts, consumer coupons, gifts, sweepstakes and contests, is an effective strategy to incentivize and increase sales quickly, but that implies a cost that It is necessary to check well before using.

21. Giving merchandising articles

Giving merchandising items such as pens, key chains, caps, caps and shirts that carry the logo or brand of our company or business, allows us to entertain consumers, but also to promote our company or business, and make them remember always.

22. Use cumulative points programs

The use of cumulative points programs, such as, through which the customer can accumulate points every time we buy a product, and then exchange for other products, is an effective strategy that allows us to get the customer to buy again Or visit us.

23. Use Referral Programs

The use of referral programs, such as, where we offer our clients a special discount on our services if they bring us a family member or a friend who also wants to acquire them, is another effective strategy that allows us to make our own customers recommend us And help get more customers.

24. Improve the display of products

Improving the display of our products, such as by giving them greater visibility, by providing better illumination or by placing them at eye level, allows us to make them more appealing or attractive to consumers, and thus increase the chances of them buying them.

25. Change the place

Change premises location or establishment of our business, such as, moving to a place with greater public, closer to the place where you live, work or frequent our target audience, further away from the competition, or allow us Greater visibility for consumers passing by on foot or by vehicle in the area, could be the solution for consumers to visit us more.